How does being overweight affect a woman’s fertility?

There is a direct link between obesity and difficulty in conceiving. Obese women are three times more likely to suffer infertility and have lower success in fertility treatments, than women with a normal body mass index.

Obese women are usually insulin resistant, have more androgens (male hormones) and exhibit deranged female hormone interactions. Hormonal imbalance can also cause problems with ovulation. They tend to have difficulty in growing an egg, as well as releasing it into the fallopian tube. The quality of the egg also tends to be poor.

Women who are obese are prone to have PCOS (Poly-cystic ovarian syndrome) and irregular periods which is a common cause of infertility in women.

Risk of miscarriage is higher in obese women, as is the risk of developing diabetes and high blood pressure during pregnancy. In some cases, as little as 5% weight loss can help achieve a successful pregnancy.

How does being underweight affect a woman’s fertility?

While being overweight can adversely affect fertility, being underweight can also decrease fertility chances. A lower than normal BMI can cause failure of ovulation and irregular or sometimes absent menstrual cycles.

A healthy BMI is normally between 19-24. Anything below 19 and above 24 can obstruct chances of conception.