At Cocoon, we pride in appropriate customization of treatments for each couple by our expert fertility specialists and delivering the best services available in the field of fertility to our clients.
We understand that fertility issues and their treatment can be emotionally draining for a couple. It is worse if a couple is not adequately communicated with. We at Cocoon, believe in transparent and thorough communication with our patients in order to keep them well
informed and educated and make sure they get our full support. We are always available to answer all your questions.
When you are visiting us for treatment, be reassured that our relationship does not begin and end with your medical treatment. It will be our pleasure to be of any help to you in planning the rest of your trip.

Services We Offer

What Is IVF?
When a couple conceives naturally, sperm from the man fertilizes an egg from the woman in the woman’s fallopian tubes to form an embryo. This embryo travels to the womb and gets implanted there and pregnancy begins. In IVF, this process of fertilization happens outside the woman’s body.
Intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) has revolutionized the treatment of male factor infertility. It differs from conventional in vitro fertilisation (IVF) in that instead of mixing many sperm with an egg in a dish, the embryologist selects a single sperm and manually injects it directly into the egg to initiate fertilization.

IUI (Intra Uterine Insemination) or Artificial Insemination is a process in which the semen sample is prepared in the laboratory to separate fast-moving, best quality sperm from more sluggish or non-moving sperm. This best quality sperm is then introduced into the womb
around the time of ovulation. The sperm then travels to the woman’s fallopian tube where it penetrates the egg and fertilizes it to form an embryo. This embryo travels to the womb and gets implanted there and pregnancy begins. Thus IUI increases the likelihood of pregnancy.
Freezing Services
Clinically described as cryopreservation, freezing is a process in which cells or whole tissues are preserved by cooling to sub-zero temperatures.

Fertility Nutrition Program
Where fertility is concerned, a healthy diet is a vital starting point. We do know that women who are closer to their healthy body weight have better odds of conception than women who are over or under their ideal weight. There is ever-increasing evidence to support the
importance of appropriate nutrition for male and female fertility. Our Nutrition specialist doctor will help you optimise your nutritional state.
Apart from these General Services Cocoon Fertility is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities to offer the most Advanced Services like
Success Rate:
- We are proven, many times over, by yielding consistently high success rates which are on par with the best clinics in the world
- We also cater to international patients for their self cycles as per the guidelines set by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR).
- Our pregnancy rate is 40 to 45% per started cycle in women less than 35 years. About 85 to 90% of our patients conceive within three cycles.
- The success rate is higher in women under the age of 35 years. It reduces as age advances. When we use donors’ eggs in older women, the pregnancy rate rises to 50 percent per embryo transfer. Pregnancy rate increases further in a surrogate.
- Our vitrification results of embryo thaw recovery are 90% with a pregnancy rate of 50 to 55% …Read More