Vitamins and nutrients:

Food cannot satisfy all our nutritional needs hence a balanced diet may not be enough. Cooking methods modern diets and altered eating habits leave us in need of nutritional supplements to make good our losses.

Get your diet assessed for unique vitamin and mineral deficiencies by a nutritional therapist and have a tailor-made programme of food supplements to bring your nutrient levels back to normal. Consumption of zinc and vitamin C supplements, and a protein rich diet with any multivitamin of your choice will help as well. This should ideally be optimized at least 3 months before starting fertility treatments. 

Essential fats:

Not all fats are bad. The body needs essential fats – namely Omega 3 and Omega 6 oils. These are found in oily fish such as salmon, sardines, herrings and mackerel. Essential fats regulate cells function efficiently and improve productivity.

Protein rich foods:

Proteins are the building blocks of life. Protein rich foods are key in improving all aspects of fertility. Non-vegetarians can consume protein daily preferably from fish (great source of omega 3 fatty acids), eggs and lean meats. Vegetarian can consume foods such as nuts, seeds, beans, legumes etc. Vegetarians may also consider protein supplements after discussing with a nutritionist or your doctor.


Carbohydrates is a quick source of energy needed for all our daily physical activities. Whole grains are a rich source of fibers. One should choose carbs with a low glycemic index when trying for a baby.

Written By ~ Dr. Anagha Karkhanis, IVF and reproductive surgery, Cocoon fertility