I am often asked ‘how age affects fertility?’ The biological fact is that fertility declines with age in both the sexes. While female fertility is rapid after the age of 30 and drastic after the age of 35, male fertility also gradually starts declining from around the age of 40.

Age is not something that we can defy, but can surely protect and maintain our productive health in the following ways.

    • Egg freezing can be beneficial for a number of reasons for women wishing to preserve their fertility for the future. Men can freeze their sperms for creating embryos later, as required.
    • Smoking and alcohol consumption, both have detrimental effect on fertility and are best avoided. People who regularly drink or smoke have lower chances of getting pregnant and higher risk of miscarriages.
    • Being underweight or overweight can be detrimental to conception. If one does get pregnant, the complications of pregnancy like miscarriage, preterm birth are higher in both the cases. Therefore, it is advisable to check and regulate weight and BMI for best results.
    • To boost the sperm count a man’s testicles should be one or two degrees cooler than the rest of his body. Tight underwear, hot showers and working with the laptop directly can raise the temperature of the testicles and slow sperm production and hence should be avoided.
    • Preexisting illness such as thyroid problems, diabetes, blood pressure problems, epilepsy and their medications can affect fertility potential. It is best to see a doctor and get any preexisting conditions under control before thinking about starting a family.
    • Sexually transmitted infections, such as chlamydia and gonorrhea, can damage a woman’s fallopian tubes, affecting her chances of conception. A visit to the gynecologist and timely treatment will surely help protect the fertility potential.

Here;s what you must remember; if you have been trying to conceive for a year or more (or six months if you’re a woman over the age of 35) by having regular unprotected sex and are still not pregnant, it’s time to see a fertility specialist.

Written By ~ Dr. Anagha Karkhanis, IVF and reproductive surgery, Cocoon fertility